White Fragility

Before you begin:

Reflect on the challenges of trying to talk about white privilege and white supremacy.

Week One:

Watch Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo

Week Two:

This week you will watch two brief videos:

Week Three:

Watch How to Deconstruct Racism, One Headline at a Time (TED Talk)

Week Four Discussion:

Discuss what you have learned with a friend or family member.

Reflection and Discussion Questions:

Questions for reflection & discussion after you have engaged with the content.

  1. What elements of White Fragility discussed by Robin DiAngelo do you resonate with?

  2. Why is it so hard to talk about white privilege and white supremacy?

  3. What’s been helpful for you in your own transformation of becoming more anti-racist and less fragile in addressing the topic?

Spiritual Praxis:

Spiritual praxis to engage in throughout the month: Solidarity 

This month try to intentionally practice solidarity. 

  • Identify an individual or racial group you want to stand in solidarity with 

  • Based on your learning, or a present need within your community, step out on faith and practice selfless love as an act of solidarity this month 

  • Document how you practiced solidarity and reflect on the outcome and how you felt afterwards 

Praxis Question: What did you learn about yourself and practicing solidarity through this month’s practice?